Privacy policy


At Arnrún, we are committed to protecting your personal data and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This statement explains how we collect, use and protect your personal data.

ID and Communication Information

Arnrún is the controller for your personal data. For any questions regarding your data, please contact us at or

Data Collection

We collect the following personal data:

  • EmailCollect for registration and communication. We will never send emails to students.
  • Students names: Additionally added by teachers to manage the schedule. You can use nicknames or codes.

Legitibility of Data Processing

We process your data on the basis of:

  • Approval: By registering you agree to have your email address processed to manage your account.
  • Agreement: Processes necessary to provide our services.

Purpose Data processing

We use your data to:

  • Provide and manage our educational services.
  • communicate about important updates or interruptions of services.

Data storage time

Við geymum gögnin þín eins lengi og reikningurinn þinn er virkur eða eins lengi og nauðsynlegt er til að veita þjónustu okkar. Kennarar geta eytt eigin reikningi hvenær sem er og eyðist þá reikningur allra nemenda einnig.

Your Rights

According to the GDPR, you have the right to:

  • Get access to your data.
  • Correct misinformation.
  • Request data deletion.
  • Limit the processing of your data.
  • Move your data.
  • Object to data processing.
  • Revoke approval at any time.

Data security

We implement industry-standard methods to protect your data.

Sharing With Third Parties

Users can choose to register directly with an email address and password (both teachers and students). The user is not sharing any information with a third party. Users can also choose to use Google login for identification and then share their email address with Google for this purpose only.

International Data Transmission

Data is hosted by Icelandic data services. If data is exported from the EU, we will inform users about this and ensure appropriate security measures.

Data breach notification

If data breach occurs, we will notify you and the appropriate authorities immediately.


Your consent is necessary for our data processing and you can revoke it at any time by deleting your user access and at the same time students' user access. If a user has passive access, he/she can contact us to have us delete user access and at the same time all information about him/her.

Automatic decision-making

We do not use automatic decision-making processes that affect you.

Fyrir frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu fulla Persónuverndarstefnu okkar eða hafðu samband við okkur á or