Arnrun A convenient solution for students
Who need an individual schedule
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A simpler way to get the learning material to your students

An e-solution for students and teachers

Arnrún allows you to organize the week for those students who need a personal timetable. A simple system manages the teacher's messages and they appear on the student's screen. You can use pictures, text or both at once. A count down counter shows the student how much is left of each time.

Arnrun’s main features

With Arnrún you can easily input instructions, change them and monitor the student’s work. A simple interface for the student ensures the least interference during work.


Simple and convenient with time savings in mind

Your dashboard is designed to allow easy student start-up and timetables. A handy photo bank that the teacher has full control over helps to deliver the message in a simple way.

The Student

A simple student interface helps to reduce distractions

The student will only see today's day and the assignments the teacher has submitted. The counter starts when the time starts and shows him how much is left of the class. When the student has finished the assignment, he can check that it is finished and then comes tilkynning í tölvu kennarans.

You can add pictures with the text or only pictures if that is more convenient.

Data Protection

We care about the protection of students’ personal data. Arnrún’s designers have over 50 years of experience in teaching and Icelandic school work and know how important the protection of students’ personal data is.
See further at GDPR page and Data Protection

Price list

Arnrún is a solution designed for the needs of students with special needs in mind. Our price list is based on a favourable price and the solution costs teachers only about ISK 750 per month. ..


0 / kr

  • Full access
  • 30 daga prufuáskrift

  • Unlimited student numbers

Teacher subscription

8.990 / year

  • Full access
  • Annual subscription
  • Unlimited student numbers

School Subscription

5+ / Teachers

  • Bulk discount

Hvernig virkar Arnrún?

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